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Logo Creation

Stages of Fame Logo        


In my design, my goal was to keep my shape the most dominant focal point. My chosen shape, the stage curtains, is the largest element of my logo, which will automatically draw the audience’s attention. Not only are the curtains the largest, but the brightest. By making the curtains red, they contrast against the black background and white words to gain the audience’s attention. I added textures by adding arc lines to mimic the natural folds of the stage curtains.

I decided to keep the center of the stage empty for multiple reasons. First, the overall logo is balanced by having symmetry of the curtains. I felt that if I were to put a figure on the stage, the balance would not be equal, and thus, would not be as appealing to the audience. Second, because the logo graphic (the curtains) is so simple, the audience will be more likely to remember it, which is the goal of creating any logo. If there was another shape, the logo would become too busy and the audience would be less likely to remember it.

Below the curtains is the name of the theatre company, Stages of Fame. I chose to keep the name as a part of the logo because this is a good method to get their name out for everyone to see. The font I chose, Broadway, is a very classic font for Broadways, and will appeal to the audience and be easily associated with theatre. My goal with the name of the company was to still keep it unified with the stage curtains. I extended the length of the “T” in STAGES to act as the floor of the stage, which ultimately keeps the stage curtains and the company name united.

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